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Patras is a city in the Peloponnese peninsular, a land of antiquity. Patras has quite a busy port on the trade route to western Europe via Italy, and it is a university town.

The word Carnival comes from the Late Latin expression carne levare, which means "farewell to meat", signifying the approaching fast for Lent - a solemn religious observance in the Christian calendar, 40 days before Easter Sunday. Many parts of Europe continue with the tradition of the Carnival, which is transformed into great street party, and often followed political satirical themes. Patras, by virtue of a University town, parties hard, and it was great to see Greeks having a great time! The first of a series of Carnivals in Europe, this series captures the Patras Carnival Grand Parade before the Closing Ceremony, which burns the King of Carnival float, followed by massive firework.


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